Human Design: The difficulty in the beginning. Feeling the pressure from a hanging gate 3.

???? The difficulty at the beginning’ ????

Today I was supposed to be putting together the details of my new offer… I even have people waiting to receive it… who have asked for it. Yet I have procrastinated.

It is all sketched out I know what I want to do… I know what I want to cover and the results it will get… yet I still feel confused.

And the pressure of that confusion has led to procrastination.

Voicenoting my friends is my go to avoidance tactic… so there I was merrily telling everyone I have been avoiding what I am supposed to be doing today and I made a comment along the lines of… I just find it so confusing starting new things…

And a voice at the back of my mind said… hang on a minute… that is one of the gates in the Human Design chart… (My HD chart happened to be right there in front of me at the time)

And there it was a big fat hanging gate 3… The gate of difficulty in the beginning.

I have talked before about most of the people that work with me feeling the pressure from their hanging 9 or 52 gate… so why had I ignored my hanging 3 gate for so long…

Because it is on my unconscious side… the side I don’t recognise in myself.

Yet today it had got my attention (there is another whole story there about transit gates, but this post is long enough as it is!)

Off I set to research my gate 3 and bring it into my awareness. If I know where I might be struggling I can work to overcome it.

And that is what I am doing… with a hanging gate 3 in a defined centre when starting new things I feel the pressure of confusion over what is coming next… Where is this going… why don’t I have all the answers? (Add in my undefined Head and Ajna and we are doubling up on the questions!)

Even though I have my full channel of 9-52… knowing what to do and having the ability to concentrate to do it… the 3 brings along it’s own energy to the mix.

If it’s a new thing and I’m feeling confused about what’s coming next… even though I know what I want to do and supposedly have the discipline to action it… the confusion wins! And nothing happens.

The solution: To let go of the need to control the outcome. To embrace the chaos of the unknown and be playful with what comes next… by allowing the change without trying to control it… you can release the pressure of confusion and can move forward.

Well that’s the theory anyway… how easy it is to put into practise we will see. But awareness is always the first step.

Whether you believe in all things woo… or how Human Design is derived or not… today I was stuck and my HD chart gave me a solution to move through it. And I’ll take that over staying stuck.

Now to get back to what I actually need to start….


????If you have the hanging gate 3 in a defined sacral you are likely to consistently feel this pressure. (If on your conscious sign you are likely to be aware of it, on your unconscious side maybe not)

????If you have a hanging gate 3 in an undefined sacral then you may feel this same pressure… but not consistently… it will come and go.

????If you have the full channel 3-60 then you are likely to be able consistently go from order to chaos as a repeating pattern… and may experience bursts of rapid change.

If you don’t have any of this in your chart… but it still resonates then take whatever helps you to move forward. The HD chart is a complicated system and there may well be other areas of your chart that combine to give a similar feeling.

Never use your chart as a binary … I have / don’t have… this so it must/must not be true.

Use it to experiment with what is helpful and what is useful to guide you on your journey.

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