Using Human Design to help business owners cut through the overwhelm and get clarity on their next move.
Are you ready to take the next step towards up levelling your Business?

Kick-Start Your Strategy
Do you want to put a strategy in place but aren’t even sure where to start?
Running a business on your own can be lonely. A million things to do… and no one to help you. Making decisions can feel daunting.
I’m here to help.
Using your Human Design and my Business MOT we take a deep dive into your business to help you get back on track and taking action.
You finally know where to start.

Your Business Strategy Unlocked
The Membership where Business Strategy and Marketing meets Human Design.
Do you know what you want to achieve, but need a nudge to get you going?
Maybe you find yourself procrastinating instead of taking action?
Or overthinking your ideas and would love a place to ask questions and get support on your next move?
Would you love to uncover the strategy most aligned for you, no more following someone else’s blue print? No more feeling the pressure of comparison?
Have a question for me?
Ready to book your consultation?

Your Environment at Christmas – My Festive Tips
In Human Design your environment can be a goldmine of information to help us with our inner peace and regulating our nervous system… being in the right environment and honoring our energy can mean the difference between overwhelm and creating a sense of well being. Below are my top tips for making the most of

Your Human Design Type at Christmas
Enter your details below to find out your HD type at Christmas. For full details make sure to click on the DOWNLOAD PDF button at the top once your results are on screen. Then check your device to access the report.

Is it time to take the coat off? When do your layers of protection start working against you?
Is it time to take the coat off? My coat protects me from the cold, from the rain… I don’t just have my coat… I have other layers too… sometimes even my wellies. But what if I’m not cold… what if it’s not raining… What if I wore them indoors on a summers day. Is

What to price: The restaurant model. Can the people you are attracting afford what you are offering?
Pricing Pricing Pricing… what should I charge… should I put my prices on my website… the eternal pricing questions… Yesterday on a session with a client, I came up with an analogy so thought I’d share it with you too. Now we don’t want people to choose us based on price… but ultimately it does play a

Human Design: Understanding your Profile Lines
For the sake of avoiding information overload, the purpose of this blog is to help you understand what you need to know about your profile lines, rather than where they come from. How to find your profile number First up lets find your profile lines so you have all the details before you dive into

Understanding your Digestion in Human Design – Will the traditional Sunday lunch work for your family?
Imagine this… your traditional sit down Sunday roast of a family of 5. 2 adults and 3 younger children. All with a different approach to what supports their digestion. In fact 2 pairs have the complete opposite of each other. InDirect vs Direct: One designed to eat during the day, preferably in direct light… one designed