A message for Manifesting Generators…
Don’t forget to visualise!!!
Each human design type has their own unique strategy for navigating decisions and responding to life.
Often Generators and Mani Gens are lumped together as the same… To Respond.
But that’s not entirely true.
Yes Respond… but also visualise and inform.
And for me I often forget the Visualise part.
Today I’m stuck…. I’m supposed to be opening the doors to my new membership today. But something’s not quite right. There is something missing… and I can’t put my finger on what.
So I’m using all the tools in my toolbox to get to the answer… and the biggest one… the visualise part.
I’m litterally visualising how it’s going to work. Walking myself through each post, every call, each training… mentally taking myself on the same journey as anyone who joins. That’s how i’ll figure out what’s missing.
It works everytime for me… yet it’s still the part I forget the most.
As a mani gen I move fast, I want to get moving, get it done… get it started. But moving fast isn’t always the answer. It can lead to missing things.
And to me that’s why mani gens have the visualise piece… our invitation to slow down and check.
Are you a mani gen, have you learnt how to fully use your strategy to your advantage?