What have your clients, or people in your world said to you recently? What can it tell you about how you help others? How can it help you in your business?
I am in the process of re-working my copy for my socials. Trying to pin point WHY people work with me.
Not the why as in, my back ground, skills and experience, or what I can actually teach people, but the how do they feel? What difference does it make to them? The results… and not just the increased revenue or tangible things.
To find out I am going over all of my messages, emails, voice notes, passing comments, comments while on group calls etc from the last month. They can give you so much insight, especially when you start to put it all together.
These are things that have been sent to me, or said to me over the last few weeks, which totally makes my heart sing , but what is it really telling me that I can help use in my marketing? And help me to understand more deeply how I help my clients. This is what I came up with…
“You metaphorically k*cked my b*ckside in the first SYSUFS session.”
- I help with motivation, getting things started, taking action.
“Thank you so much Katy. I literally would never think of these things! What you tell me; never occurs to me but you seem to just know. Know where I can get places to look for new contacts, new business, who would be interested in me where, when and how to follow up the lead. I cannot believe the introductions you have made for me – all of which are now manifesting in some way and am now doing some truly exciting things. Thank you. I think you are a human encyclopedia , but so much more than that; you genuinely care about all of us in your group and always finding solutions to our problems. x”
- I connect the dots and help put all the pieces together.
- It is not just about me, it is also about the connections I make for people.
- I provide ah ha moments.
- I provide solutions to problems.
- My clients love the fact I genuinely care about them.
“All the tech/marketing stuff drives me nuts and I lose the will to live and all the energy drains out of me! All this stuff drives me nuts, I am even more aware now that everyone needs a Katy! What would I do without you.”
- I help take away the overwhelm and the stress for the parts of your business you don’t like or understand.
- I offer support and guidance.
“Once this next phase is all tied up, I am ready to start working with you again, to give me clarity… to plan out the next phase… I am ecstatic today because you have helped me to achieve all of this, and I want to get back in touch with you. I feel like the next phase won’t be as difficult as I feel like the foundations have been laid with you and I working together over the past 2 years, that whole heap of confusion and creativity I’ve now laid the foundations, so I feel strong, a bit more confident, I feel more focused and I feel like I have direction. So for the rest of my ideas I feel we can start to work through it at a good pace, I am gaining momentum in stuff and seeing the fruits of things coming through, so I don’t feel like I need to drink the ocean so much… because a lot of what I wanted to implement has been implemented, coming together over the next few weeks, months and is on good track.”
- Things take time, if you have big plans they aren’t going to happen overnight, one step at a time. But it does all come together… just be patient.
- By helping people plan they gain clarity.
- By laying the foundations it increases confidence, focus and creates direction.
- My clients dip in and out when they need me.
“I have done a lot of courses in the past and there is always ideal client work, but this is the first time it has actually helped me, so praise to you! I dunno maybe something about the way you asked the questions. I couldn’t believe how quickly and easily it all became so clear. It is just really really clear, so I am excited right now.”
- I connect the dots and help put all the pieces together.
- My perspective and insights help people to understand things easily, where they may have previously struggled.
- Sharing my way of doing things helps others, and is valuable.
- I create excitement and motivation to move forward in my clients.
“Thank you so much for today, I have just listened to you talk through your strategy board, and oh my goodness me it has helped so much, when I heard you talk through your version… I stopped you went and grabbed some paper and did my own as you talked us through. I know what my priorities are right now, but it has been fantastic having it written down in front of me like that. I also had your sales forecasting page up that you taught us, and was looking at that at the same time, but honestly it is such a good tool, you should definitely include it as part of your course. It has been fantastic.”
- I connect the dots and help put all the pieces together.
- My perspective and insights help people to understand things easily, where they may have previously struggled.
- Sharing my way of doing things helps others, and is valuable.
- I create excitement and motivation in my clients to move forward with their business.
I invite you to go and take a deeper look at all of your recent conversations, what can you learn that will help you in your business and marketing? And if you don’t have anything to look at, then use this as your prompt to go and find out, ask… have the conversation.
And when you do, listen, listen when people tell you how great you are, accept it and own it. There is a reason why you do what you do, don’t be afraid to share your amazingness with the world. As business owners we can sometimes struggle to shout about how much we do help our clients, so if you need it here is permission from me to go own it. You being the worlds best kept secret isn’t going to help anyone. You or your clients.
I now have my insights to add to my list – what does yours look like?
- I help with motivation, getting things started, taking action.
- I connect the dots and help put all the pieces together.
- My perspective and insights help people to understand things easily, where they may have previously struggled.
- Sharing my way of doing things helps others, and is valuable.
- I provide ah ha moments.
- It is not just about me, it is also about the connections I make for people.
- I help take away the overwhelm and the stress for the parts of your business you don’t like or understand.
- Things take time, if you have big plans they aren’t going to happen overnight, one step at a time. But it does all come together… just be patient.
- By helping people plan they gain clarity.
- By laying the foundations it increases confidence, focus and creates direction.
- I offer support and guidance.
- My clients love the fact I genuinely care about them.
- I create excitement and motivation in my clients to move forward with their business.
And a quick p.s: I appreciate this is purely focusing on the positives, so a little reminder it is also just as important to collect feedback from people who may not be as happy so that you can learn and improve. But I will write about that another time.